Skin & Laser


Gently scrape off dead skin cells and light fuzzy hairs to leave your skin soft and glowing.

Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation treatment.

It is performed with the edge of a surgical scalpel blade. Results will vary depending upon the condition of your skin, but you can expect to see smoother skin, zero peach-fuzz and brighter looking skin. Your skincare products will penetrate more easily once the dead skin is removed (and therefore will be more effective), and make-up such as foundation will sit more easily on the skin.


face, neck, chest, forearms.




$172 (full face)

FAQ’s about Dermaplaning

What does dermaplaning involve?

Your dermaplaning appointment will be one of our qualified Dermal Therapists and involves a skin assessment and a thorough skin cleanse prior to treatment. The procedure itself involves the gentle scraping of a special surgical scalpel blade across the skin, to remove the top layers of dead skin, as well as any light fluffy hairs. After the treatment, we will apply a soothing skin mask and then of course some zinc-based sunscreen. There is also the option to add a peptide mask and/or a Healite LED session following your dermaplaning.

Is dermaplaning suitable for all skin types?

Dermaplaning is safe for all colours and types of skin, particularly those with sun damage, dry patches, fine lines and dull skin. If you have very sensitive or highly reactive skin (such as rosacea or keratosis pilaris) this may not be a suitable treatment for you. You should avoid dermaplaning if you have active inflamed acne, active cold sores or other skin infection, or untreated facial skin cancers.

Does dermaplaning hurt?

The scalpel blade is gently scraped across the skin and does not cut or penetrate the skin. The treatment is not painful but can tickle slightly.

Is there any downtime after Dermaplaning?

Some patients will experience slight redness immediately after the treatment but this settles quickly.

What can I put on my skin after a Dermaplaning treatment?

Immediately after a dermaplaning treatment your skin barrier will be temporarily more vulnerable and therefore can be more sensitive. As part of your treatment we will apply a rich soothing mask to help repair your skin barrier and keep the skin super-hydrated. We recommend avoiding foundation for the first 24 hours to give your skin time to settle. Your skin may be more sensitive to UV damage from the sun and so you should remember to be diligent with your SPF.

What will happen to the hairs on my face after Dermalplaning?

Dermaplaning will temporarily remove the light fuzzy hairs from the face but will not affect the follicles or hair shaft beneath the skin, similar to shaving. With proper technique, the hair shaft is cut at an angle and therefore tends to grow back through softer than with traditional shaving methods that can cause a stubble-like feel.  When your hair grows back, it will be the same texture that it was before and will grow at the same speed.